Use WASD or normal keyboard controls to pick up litter in the sea! 

Don't forget to save any animals along the way!

There are ***10 TOTAL*** pieces of litter exposed to the marine life on this level!

Find them all to win~!

I hope you guys enjoy it!


  • Bahila text font downloaded from Author:  Yan Studio.
  • Music by Zakhar Valaha from Pixabay.
  •  "Percussion Droplet 1" sound effect by envatoelements.

All art assets were by yours truly~

Apologies for some of the text cut off? I had no idea HTML5 had a particular boundary.


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Ah, beautiful!

Thank you~! X3

I Remember a Game in Commodore 64 with the same mechanic, I do not remember if it was moon patrol, the music is charming, and the theme is sustentable, I love this kind of game, great job!

Thank you~! I'm glad you enjoyed it~! XD

You are welcome, I enjoy it very much!

Love the feel this game gives. Good job!

Thank you~!! I appreciate it! X3

This gives me Ecco the Dolphin feels. <3 Great job!

Thank you~! ^u^